Structural Investigative Services
Evaluating Structural Integrity
Structural investigative services are offered by Penn Valley Engineering to insurance adjusters, attorneys, and others requiring forensics.

Structural Investigative Services
Honest Answers When You Need Them Most
Penn Valley Engineering (PVE) offers structural investigative services to anyone that may require a thorough inspection or recommendation. We often get these types of requests from attorneys and insurance adjusters.
Come to us first. When a structural evaluation is performed and an issue is determined, a practical solution may also be needed to resolve the matter. While a contractor will most likely be necessary for repairs, don’t go to them first. They are not qualified to determine the full extent of what is required. Only a licensed professional engineer can provide an educated opinion as to how to achieve structural integrity. Furthermore, since signed and sealed drawings from a licensed engineer are usually mandatory, contacting PVE first provides a solution that contractors can bid on accurately and fairly. Extend the service life of your structure by allowing us to provide structural investigative and forensic services.
Expert Opinions and Solutions to Structural Issues
Additionally, if you are requiring structural investigative services, our engineers provide honest answers when you need them most. We can determine the manner in which a building has been constructed and the root cause of defects and system failures.
In addition to failure analysis, we can also identify code violations and defects. These structural investigative services are valuable for HOAs, lawyers, adjusters, owners, and public agencies. Our engineers make expert witnesses and provide forensic evidence and detailed documentation of each site investigation.
If you are in need of structural investigative services, or simply want to reduce safety risks, contact our trained experts with decades of forensic engineering experience. We service a large part of southeastern Pennsylvania, northern Delaware, southern New Jersey, and central Florida. If we are in your area, give us a call.
Investigative Services
- Structural Evaluations
- Foundation & Framing Inspections
- Construction Defect Assessments
- Damage Assessment & Structural Distress
- Historic Structure Assessment
- Emergency Response
- Expert Witness
- MEP Support
- Failure Analysis
PVE provides historic structure assessments throughout southern New Jersey and the surrounding area.
Need an emergency response? Our licensed professional engineer can render an opinion as to the structural integrity of your structure. Call us now.
Structural Engineer NJ • Structural Engineer PHILA • Structural Engineer DE • Structural Engineer FL
For more information on structural engineering services
call us at (856) 872-3537 in New Jersey, (215) 821-7686 in Philadelphia, or (321) 394-8026 in Florida.
Additional Professional
Structural Engineering Services
Professional Design Services
- Existing bearing wall removal, beam/header design
- Framing deficiency analysis and design for correction
- Foundation underpinning or replacement design
- Basement foundation wall strengthening and repair design
- New Foundation Design
- New Floor and Roof Framing Design
- Cut roof trusses analysis and repair design
- Wood Pile foundation design
- Helical Pile foundation design

Structural Deficiencies
- Foundation Cracks
- Foundation Settlement
- Cracked and bowing/buckling basement foundation walls
- Uneven & sloping floors
- Sagging roofs
- Undersized, over-spanned, fractured, or distressed floor joists, roof rafters, beams, and headers
- Undersized foundations
- Cut roof trusses
- Wet rot & dry rot wood decay
- Termite damage
- Construction errors and poor workmanship
- Storm-water & Groundwater Drainage problems and management issues
Trusted by Companies, Individuals as well as Juries
If you are in need of a forensic structural engineer, Penn Valley Engineering’s consultants and engineers make expert witnesses. Present your case in or out of court with confidence. Our knowledge in the field of structural evaluation, failure analysis, and damage assessment is trusted and reliable case after case.